Students A’s 1 The cost is $15 2 Students pay to participate in program 3 For Woodshop program there are 2 size blanks based on height of
For Art Class there are 2 sizes of pre-cut skateboard decks based on
height of student 4 Yes all blanks are structurally sound to skate if you wish 5 No, only teachers or school administrators can order decks for this
program 6 See answer #3 7 No deck is available for free 8 Guide school personnel to website
by supplying them with the address or email
them by clicking on TELL A FRIEND banner available on several pages within
website. 9 You can do School fundraising, recycle cans/paper etc, or come up with
your own creative ways to raise money. Work for it. 10 The blank deck is considered a woodshop project and isn’t considered a
true skateboard until it is rideable. Check with your school policy and
transportation rules regarding items you can take on buses. Ex. The deck is
no different than a violin as far as items that get transported. 11 Skateboard shops have all the tools and other items you would need to
complete your skateboard deck. 12 This program is available to students (both male and female) that
participate in woodshop or art classes. 13 You will learn and apply subject matter that incorporates Math, Science,
Design, Vocabulary, Engineering and Manufacturing as well as the sense of
accomplishment of creating something with your own two hands. 14 Download a petition form and get students, parents to sign stating you
want the program in your school. Students can take to administrator at
schools and Parents can take petitions to PTA meetings and push for it
there as well.
Never give up and always steer them to the website so they can see the value
of having it in your school. 15 Go to ABOUT SECTION then R-U-A Student page and click on CERTIFICATE of
COMPLETION button and follow instructions