Parent's Q's
1 Who pays for the experience?
2 What is the cost?
3 Is program safe?
4 Is Skateboarding safe?
5 How is the program relevant to my child?
6 How can I encourage my child's school to participate?
7 Are there examples of good role models in skateboarding?
8 What are the benefits for my child?
Parent's A's
Q. Who pays for the experience?
A. Hopefully your child, not you nor your child’s school. We’ve done everything we can to minimize the cost for each student participating in the program. One of our goals is to have students invest themselves in the project by earning their own $15 participation fee. Perhaps this can be accomplished as part of a class project, with the students organizing themselves to run a car wash at school or organize a bake sale? A recycling project would also be very appropriatea paper drive; collecting glass bottles, and or aluminum cans?

Q. What is the cost?
A. $15. That’s right, fifteen dollars! We’ve done everything we can to maximize the return while minimizing the cost. That is, we believe the program offers incredible benefits to the students who participate, and we’ve specifically attempted to minimize the cost so each and every eligible student will be able to participate.

Q. Is the program safe?
A. Yes. The woodshop version of the program is presented under the direction of the woodshop instructor. Power tools are involved, however, this project does not include specific challenges representing anything unknown or otherwise unusual to a typical woodshop experience. Of course, all practical safety procedures should be followed by each participant when participating in any woodshop activity, and would be expected of those students in the program.
The art class version eliminates the need for power tools, although some hand sanding is required. We also recommend water-based inks and paints to avoid harmful solvents. Of course, all activity in the art class version is under the direction of the instructor.

Q. Is skateboarding safe?
A. Safer than most people think. In fact, the perception is that skateboarding is very dangerous, and like all active sports it can be when un-necessary risks are taken. Statistics show that skateboarding ranks at the bottom of the list of active sports when injuries are tabulated. Click on the education page of this website to see which sports actually outrank skateboarding in injury totals for 2005. Plus, many communities now have public skateparks providing a new level of safety, and, often times, even instructional clinics for beginning skateboarders.
Of course, most active sports include the risk of injury, but today’s modern skateboarding equipment provides greater control and durability for skateboarders. Coupled with appropriate safety equipment, today’s skateboards help provide a healthy aerobic exercise for millions of boys and girls around the world.

Q. How is the program relevant to my child?
A. Hello!?! Skateboard. Kids. Is there a question? Excuse the attempt at sarcasm.
Actually, it’s estimated more than 90% of today’s 20 million skateboarders worldwide are under the age of 18 years. There just aren’t that many adult skateboarders, and in our current culture that’s one of the factors that makes skateboarding so attractive to youngstersadults don’t do it. Skateboards have an allurement to teen-agers that most other projects just don’t have.
What did you make in your junior-high school woodshop? Napkin holders? Bookends? Though useful, these projects don’t seem to have the allure, for teen-agers, that the skateboard provides. It’s exciting, to them, and their enthusiasm is infectious. Their teachers can begin to share their enthusiasminspired students makes for inspirational teaching.
The greater relevance is the skateboard’s ability to capture each student’s attentionsuddenly the skateboard is more than just a vehicle to ride down the sidewalk; it can carry students into other subject areas with newfound relevance and a greater appreciation and understanding for sciences and mathematics.

Q. How can I encourage my child’s school to participate?
A. If your child’s school has woodshops or art classes then it’s more than likely eligible to participate in’s innovative program. Most school administrators and teachers have enthusiastically approved and supported the program. It is possible, of course, to imagine there is a school or teacher somewhere that might be reluctant to endorse the program. In that case, we believe if the program is presented sensibly by interested students, and perhaps with the help of their parents, or even the Parent Teacher Association, then schools will likely approve the program.
Students may need assistance to help organize a petition to circulate amongst their classmates, or other students at school. They also may need help to organize events to raise money for the $15 participation fee. Helping to organize ways to raise funds for the participation fee is an excellent way for parents to get involved in the project.
Parents of students participating in the program have been amazed at their children’s enthusiasm, as well as the level of learning and application that their children have accomplished.

Q. Are there examples of good role models in skateboarding?
A. In addition to Professor Schmitt? There are certainly a number of success stories of individuals who got their start in skateboarding. Hollywood successes include award-winning director Spike Jonze, award-winning director Stacy Peralta, and actor Jason Lee (My Name is Earl). Several skateboarders have become successful skatepark designers, including Rob Dyrdek who also now has a successful television show, Rob and Big on MTV. Tony Hawk has become one of the most recognizable sports figures in the world, and now seems that skateboarding will become an official Olympic sport in London in 2012.

Q. What are the benefits for my child?
A. Successful activities help build positive characteristics. Hands-on learning experiences that provide applications of abstract principles can have truly profound results. In today’s culture, and in most school situations, students rarely have this opportunityto learn something while being engaged in an activity they’re actually interested in.
Additionally, the finished product is actually something each student can usethey can use it for a lap table or a wall decoration, but, importantly, they may also discover a new-found appreciation for a recreational activity they’ve never before considered. Successful skateboard deck creators may find themselves suddenly interested in an aerobic activity that can actually promote and develop a healthier body and outlook.
Who knows, maybe your child will be the next manufacturer of 5 million skateboards!
